Markdown loader

Here's what this script does:
- Load markdown file from a publically available link (eg. on
- Fix up relative URLs for images and links
- Compile it into html
- Optionally display straight in DOM

There is special handling for github links. You can just paste the URL to your repo, markdown loader will auto-resolve proper to your file.

I intend to use this to "synchronize" markdown and html files in my git repositories without too much fuss.

Demo: Project's auto-generated GH page

Get it from github releases.

Automatic loading

Any element with data-md-load attribute will be filled with markdown from the specified URL.
You must include the markdown-loader.js after the target DOM element (or use async attribute).

<div data-md-load=""></div>

<!-- more stuff -->

<script src=""></script>

If you want to avoid annoying jumping of HTML when markdown is loaded, you can use the synchronous variant.
In this case, I suggest you place your <script> tag right after the target element.
This will make it seem as if markdown is part of your html document.

<div data-md-load-sync=""></div>
<script src="markdown-loader.js"></script>

<!-- more stuff -->

Note that you will get an annoying console warning about deprecated synchronous AJAX support
(at least in Chrome), so pick your poison.

Manual usage

You can see full options in opts.js;

<div id="readme"></div>

<script src="markdown-loader.js"></script>
        // From where to load the markdown. Need to support CORS
        source: '', // we will auto-resolve to here

        // If true, we will use synchronous AJAX request
        synchronous: true,

        // Element id or reference where to place the loaded content
        target: 'readme'
    }, function (err, el) {
        if (err) {
            // Handle error
        } else {
            console.log(el); // The target <div> element

    // You can also use it as a pure function, without DOM. String will auto-convert into "source"
    loadMarkdown('', function (err, html) {
        // HTML string


npm install -g gulp


git clone
cd markdown-loader
npm install
gulp watch

Distribution files will be created inside the dist folder.

Run test with:

npm run test
